committed to excellence

A history of hosting major tournaments, a tradition of incomparable golf, and a legacy of families coming together through the generations contribute to making Medinah Country Club a Platinum Club. We are privileged to be among the esteemed list of clubs that are also honored with recognition by both the Platinum Clubs of America and Platinum Clubs of the World. Medinah Country Club was also awarded the Distinguished club award as determined by the annual Distinguished Clubs award program conducted by BoardRoom magazine, one of the most respected trade publications serving private clubs, with a special "iconic" designation.

Medinah offers three world-renowned golf courses and the highest quality facilities and family-oriented amenities to both its members and honored guests. It is this commitment to excellence for 100 years that sets Medinah Country Club apart.

Read more about Medinah

the heritage collection

Members, visitors and guests can explore the rich history of Medinah.

Photographs, original course plans, historical documents and items from every major championship have been carefully preserved in the club's Heritage Collection.

see more of medinah’s heritage

Contact Us

6N001 Medinah Road  |  Medinah, IL 60157  |  (630) 773-1700